Certifications + Honors

Masters in Divinity

Obtained 2023, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary

Clinical Pastoral Education

1 Credit, Acension Seton, Austin, Texas, 2022

HarvardX Entrepreneurship Certification

Obtained May 2019

Thirty Under Thirty, SC Biz Mag, 2018

Bachelors of Arts, International Studies

Obtained 2013, University of South Carolina

Suicide Awareness Certification

Obtained 2023, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary

Meditation Certification

Obtained 2021 to lead individual and small group meditations using sound therapy and guided visualization techniques to help ground participants spiritually.

Ordained by the PCUSA

Obtained and in Good Standing, May 2024, by Presbyterian Church, USA

Emerging Woman of the Year, 2019

Greenville, SC

Small Business of the Year Finalist, 2018

Greenville, SC Chamber of Commerce

I believe in a good, good God.

My call to ministry stems from my childhood preaching from the stone amphitheater pulpit by my Grandparent’s home in Montreat, North Carolina and early childhood memories in Christmas pageants and in beautiful churches in Greenville, SC and Charlotte, NC with my family every Sunday. I loved the fellowship church brought into my life, and looked forward to Sunday evening youth group each week.

I’m inspired by nature, Sabbath and libraries. I spend my days off reading Scripture, studying theology and exploring New Orleans, where I currently live. I love creative expression, often times using “The Artist Way” by Julia Cameron to reconnect my own spirit to Love. I find God in worship, fellowship, art and stillness. I love traditional PCUSA style of worship, but also believe worship extends beyond the walls of a building. I’m curious about how we can connect to God and celebrate God in every facet of our lives.

I can’t help but see everyone as a potential minister in the PCUSA and constantly am trying to figure out how to encourage people to pursue theological education or at minimum… leadership participation in their local church.

I believe God calls us all to serve, and that we are given unique spiritual gifts that we are designed to share in the Body of Christ.

I feel incredibly blessed to be ordained. Each day is a gift.

  • I believe in the Holy and Triune God. I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of all, who loves His creation and humankind without end. I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s Son, fully human and fully divine, who sacrificed his life and died on the cross for our sins and resurrected three days later.  It is in this profound act that we are made right with God. I believe in the Holy Spirit, who is our Comforter and Advocate and who guides us in our faithfulness. 

    I believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments bear witness to the Word of God. John 1:14 tells us that Jesus Christ is the living Word.  Luke 11:28, tells us that the Scripture reveals God.  I believe that Scripture is the unique and authoritative witness to God and the rule of faith and practice for our Christian living. We are transformed when we live in obedience to the Word of God.  I believe that the Holy Spirit serves as a source of illumination to the Word, opening up our hearts and minds so that we might deepen our relationship with God through Scripture, and be transformed by his everlasting truth and goodness. (John 14:17, 1 John 5:7). 

    I believe that the Sacraments are outward and visible signs of an inward and spiritual grace. The sacraments enact and seal us in the life of the body of Christ. The sacraments are “gifts of God for the people of God,” and serve as Calvin says, as “ visible words” that help strengthen faith and nurture discipleship.”  In Baptism, God claims us as beloved children and members of Christ’s body, the church, washing us clean from sin. I believe the Lord’s Supper is the sign and seal of eating and drinking in communion with the crucified and risen Lord. I believe that the sacraments are a grace and a gift, freely given and freely received.

    I believe that the purpose of the Church is to serve as witness to the glory of God through the practice of intentional community worship. I believe that Christ is the Head of the community of believers. Through seeking the good news of the Gospel and striving for peace and kindness, we grow in our faith and as stewards of God’s promise. In Christ’s name, therefore, the Church is sent out to bear witness to the good news of reconciliation with God, with others, and with all creation. In Christ, the Church receives its truth, holiness and unity. I believe that the purpose of the Church is to do God's work and live by the example set by Christ.  

    I believe that the goal of life is to glorify God. I believe in the election of God’s people for salvation and service. We are called to serve in faithful response to God’s Word. I believe that Christ will come again bringing the new Heaven and Earth. Jesus says we don’t know when this will happen, but I hold to the hope of His coming and until that day comes, I gladly rejoice in the beauty of God’s creation.

  • Faith Formation


    Christian Education

    Building Fellowship

    Pastoral Care (Grief + Crisis)

  • Publish a theology book: I’m working towards publishing a theology book that embraces and supports Christians who have hidden doubts about their faith. My hope is to have this book published by 2026 and for it to be a resource for Reformed Church groups as a book study and discussion manual.

    Earn a Doctorate in Ministry: I plan to enroll in a PCUSA hybrid program allowing me to work toward my Dmin while installed and working full-time as a Minister.

    Next Call: As I complete my Dickson Pastoral Residency at St. Charles in New Orleans, I am seeking my next call. I hope this next call is somewhere I can be at 10 years. I want to plant myself deeply into my new community. I would be happily placed at a traditional PCUSA church that desires connection, faith formation and taking calculated risks to spread the message of Christ’s love.

    Buy a House: I plan to buy in my next call so that I can be a truly invested member of my new city.

Ashley’s Reading Recommendations:

  • Man’s Search for Meaning- Viktor E. Frankl

  • Holding Faith- Dr. Cynthia Rigby

  • Christian Doctrines- Dr. Shirley Guthrie

  • Tell Her Story- Nijay Gupta

  • Institutes of the Christian Religion- John Calvin

  • The Alchemist- Paulo Coelho

  • The Cross & The Lynching Tree- Dr. James Cone

  • Faith Seeking Understanding- Dr. Daniel Migliore

  • King- Michael Eig

  • The New Testament, Methods & Meanings- Dr. Warren Carter & Dr. Amy-Jill Levine

  • Lives of the Stoics- Ryan Holiday

  • Where the Sidewalk Ends- Shel Silverstein